This module contains algorithms found in the literature and used extensively in
some fields.
The following paragraphs have been adapted from
`Makonnen, 2006 <http://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/pdf/10.1175/JAM2349.1>`_
The return period of an event of a specific large magnitude is of fundamental
interest. All evaluations of the risks of extreme events require methods to
statistically estimate their return periods from the measured data. Such
methods are widely used in building codes and regulations concerning the design
of structures and community planning, as examples. Furthermore, it is crucial
for the safety and economically optimized engineering of future communities to
be able to estimate the changes in the frequency of various natural hazards
with climatic change, and analyzing trends in the weather extremes.
The return period :math:`R` (in years) of an event is related to the
probability :math:`P` of not exceeding this event in one year by
.. math:: R=\\frac{1}{1 - P}
A standard method to estimate :math:`R` from measured data is the
following. One first ranks the data, typically annual extremes or values over a
threshold, in increasing order of magnitude from the smallest :math:`m = 1` to
the largest :math:`m = N` and associates a cumulative probability :math:`P` to
each of the mth smallest values. Second, one fits a line to the
ranked values by some fitting procedure. Third, one interpolates or
extrapolates from the graph so that the return period of the extreme value of
interest is estimated.
Basically, this extreme value analysis method, introduced by Hazen (1914), can
be applied directly by using arithmetic paper. However, interpolation and
extrapolation can be made more easily when the points fall on a straight line,
which is rarely the case in an order-ranked plot of a physical variable on
arithmetic paper. Therefore, almost invariably, the analysis is made by
modifying the scale of the probability :math:`P`, and sometimes also that of
the random variable :math:`x`, in such a way that the plot against :math:`x` of
the anticipated cumulative distribution function :math:`P = F(x)` of the
variable appears as a straight line. Typically, the Gumbel probability paper
(Gumbel 1958) is used because in many cases the distribution of the extremes,
each selected from r events, asymptotically approaches the Gumbel distribution
when :math:`r` goes to infinity.
from scipy import integrate as _integrate
import numpy as _np
from scipy import stats as _st
import matplotlib.pyplot as _plt
_fact = _np.math.factorial
docstringbase = """
Calculate extreme values based on yearly maxima using {0} plotting
positions and a least square fit.
This methodology differ from others in the module in the location of the
probability plotting position.
data : array_like
Extreme values dataset.
preconditioning : int or float
You can choose to apply an exponent to the extreme data values before
performing the Gumbel curve fit. Preconditioning can often improve the
convergence of the curve fit and therefore improve the estimate T-year
extreme wind speed. Default value is 1.
results : dict
A dictionary containing different parameters of the fit.
c : float
Value of the 'shape' parameter. In the case of the Gumbel distribution
this value is always 0.
loc : float
Value of the 'localization' parameter.
scale : float
Value os the 'scale' parameter.
distr : frozen ``scipy.stats.gumbel_r`` distribution
Frozen distribution of type ``scipy.stats.gumbel_r`` with ``c``,
``loc`` and ``scale`` parameters equal to ``self.c``, ``self.loc``
and ``self.scale``, respectively.
Methods to calculate the fit:
Methods to plot results:
class _GumbelBase:
def __init__(self, preconditioning = 1, ppp = None, **kwargs):
self.preconditioning = preconditioning
self.ppp = None
self.results = {}
def plot_summary(self):
Summary plot including PP plot, QQ plot, empirical and fitted pdf and
return values and periods.
4-panel plot including PP, QQ, pdf and return level plots
# data to be used
x = self.results['data']
extremes = self.results['Values for return period from 2 to 100 years']
Y = self.results['Y']
slope = self.results['slope']
offset = self.results['offset']
how = self.ppp
xmin = _np.min(x)
xmax = _np.max(x)
# figure settings
fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = _plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(15, 5))
# Plot the fit
ax1.plot([xmin, xmax],
[(xmin - offset) / slope, (xmax - offset) / slope],
'-', color = '0.25', lw = 2, alpha = 0.5)
ax1.scatter(x, Y,
facecolor = (0.7,0.7,1), color = '0',
s= 50, linewidths = 1)
ax1.set_xlabel('$Extreme\ values$')
# plot the return period
ax2.plot(_np.arange(2,101), extremes)
ax2.set_xlabel('$T (years)$')
ax2.set_ylabel('$Extreme\ values$')
# plot the distribution
_x = _np.linspace(self.distr.ppf(0.001), self.distr.ppf(0.999), 100)
normed = True, alpha = 0.2)
ax3.plot(_x, self.distr.pdf(_x), label = 'Fitted', color = 'k')
desf = xmax * 0.1
ax3.set_xlim(xmin - desf, xmax + desf)
ax3.set_xlabel('$Extreme\ values$')
return fig, ax1, ax2, ax3
[docs]class Harris1996(_GumbelBase):
__doc__ = docstringbase.format('Harris1996', '_ppp_harris1996')
def __init__(self, data = None, ppp = "Harris1996", **kwargs):
self.data = data
self.N = len(self.data)
self.ppp = ppp
raise Exception('You should provide some data.')
#ppp stands for probability plotting position
[docs] def _ppp_harris1996(self):
Review of the traditional Gumbel extreme value method for analysing yearly
maximum windspeeds or similar data, with a view to improving the
process. An improved set of plotting positions based on the mean values of
the order statistics are derived, together with a means of obtaining the
standard deviation of each position. This enables a fitting procedure using
weighted least squares to be adopted, which gives results similar to the
traditional Lieblein BLUE process, but with the advantages that it does not
require tabulated coefficients, is available for any number of data up to at
least 50, and provides a quantitative measure of goodness of fit.
Harris RI, (1996), 'Gumbel re-visited -- a new look at extreme value
statistics applied to wind speeds', Journal of Wind Engineering and
Industrial Aerodynamics, 59, 1-22.
data = _np.sort(self.data)[::-1]
data = data ** self.preconditioning
N = self.N
ymean = _np.empty(N)
ymean2 = _np.empty(N)
variance = _np.empty(N)
weight = _np.empty(N)
def integ_ymean(x, N, NU):
return -_np.log(-_np.log(x)) * (x** (N-NU)) * ((1-x)**(NU-1))
def integ_ymean2(x, N, NU):
return ((-_np.log(-_np.log(x)))**2) * (x** (N-NU)) * ((1-x)**(NU-1))
for NU in range(1, N+1):
# calculation of ymean
a = _fact(N)/(_fact(NU - 1) * _fact(N - NU))
b, err = _integrate.quad(integ_ymean, 0, 1, args = (N, NU))
ymean[NU-1] = a * b
# calculation of ymean2
b, err = _integrate.quad(integ_ymean2, 0, 1, args = (N, NU))
ymean2[NU-1] = a * b
# calculation of variance
variance[NU-1] = _np.sqrt((ymean2[NU-1] - ymean[NU-1]**2))
# calculation of weights
denominator = _np.sum(1/variance**2)
for NU in range(1, N+1):
weight[NU-1] = (1 / variance[NU-1]**2) / denominator
# calculation of alpha
# Numerator
sum1 = _np.sum(weight * ymean * (data))
sum2 = _np.sum(weight * ymean)
sum3 = _np.sum(weight * (data))
# Denominator
sum4 = _np.sum(weight * (data**2))
sum5 = sum3 ** 2
# alpha
alpha = (sum1 - sum2 * sum3) / (sum4 - sum5)
# calculation of characteristic product
pi_upper = alpha * sum3 - sum2
# calculation of the extreme values for the return periods between 2 and 100 years
return_periods = _np.arange(2, 100 + 1)
v_ext_tmp = [(-_np.log(-_np.log(1 - 1 / return_period)) + pi_upper) / alpha
for return_period in return_periods]
v_ext = [v ** (1 / self.preconditioning) for v in v_ext_tmp]
# Calculation of the residual std dev
deviation = _np.sum(weight * ((ymean - alpha * data + pi_upper)**2))
residual_stddev = _np.sqrt(deviation * N / (N - 2))
self.results = {}
self.results['Y'] = ymean
self.results['weights'] = weight
self.results['data'] = data
self.results['Values for return period from 2 to 100 years'] = v_ext
self.results['slope'] = 1. / alpha
self.results['offset'] = pi_upper / alpha
self.results['characteristic product'] = pi_upper
self.results['alpha'] = alpha
self.results['residual standard deviation'] = residual_stddev
self.c = 0
self.loc = self.results['offset']
self.scale = self.results['slope']
self.distr = _st.gumbel_r(loc = self.loc,
scale = self.scale)
[docs]class Lieblein(_GumbelBase):
__doc__ = docstringbase.format('Lieblein', '_ppp_lieblein')
def __init__(self, data = None, ppp = "Lieblein", **kwargs):
self.data = data
self.N = len(self.data)
self.ppp = ppp
raise Exception('You should provide some data.')
#ppp stands for probability plotting position
[docs] def _ppp_lieblein(self):
Lieblein-BLUE (Best Linear Unbiased Estimator) to obtain extreme values
using a Type I (Gumbel) extreme value distribution.
It approaches the calculation of extremes using a very classical
methodology provided by Julius Lieblein. It exists just to check how
several consultants made the calculation of wind speed extremes in the wind
energy industry.
It calculates extremes using an adjustment of Gumbel distribution using
least squares fit and considering several probability-plotting positions
used in the wild.
Lieblein J, (1974), 'Efficient methods of Extreme-Value Methodology',
NBSIR 74-602, National Bureau of Standards, U.S. Department of Commerce.
# coefficients for sample below or equal to 16 elements
ai = {
'n = 02': [0.916373, 0.083627],
'n = 03': [0.656320, 0.255714, 0.087966],
'n = 04': [0.510998, 0.263943, 0.153680, 0.071380],
'n = 05': [0.418934, 0.246282, 0.167609, 0.108824,
'n = 06': [0.355450, 0.225488, 0.165620, 0.121054,
0.083522, 0.048867],
'n = 07': [0.309008, 0.206260, 0.158590, 0.123223,
0.093747, 0.067331, 0.041841],
'n = 08': [0.273535, 0.189428, 0.150200, 0.121174,
0.097142, 0.075904, 0.056132, 0.036485],
'n = 09': [0.245539, 0.174882, 0.141789, 0.117357,
0.097218, 0.079569, 0.063400, 0.047957,
'n = 10': [0.222867, 0.162308, 0.133845, 0.112868,
0.095636, 0.080618, 0.066988, 0.054193,
0.041748, 0.028929],
'n = 11': [0.204123, 0.151384, 0.126522, 0.108226,
0.093234, 0.080222, 0.068485, 0.057578,
0.047159, 0.036886, 0.026180],
'n = 12': [0.188361, 0.141833, 0.119838, 0.103673,
0.090455, 0.079018, 0.068747, 0.059266,
0.050303, 0.041628, 0.032984, 0.023894],
'n = 13': [0.174916, 0.133422, 0.113759, 0.099323,
0.087540, 0.077368, 0.068264, 0.059900,
0.052047, 0.044528, 0.037177, 0.029790,
'n = 14': [0.163309, 0.125966, 0.108230, 0.095223,
0.084619, 0.075484, 0.067331, 0.059866,
0.052891, 0.046260, 0.039847, 0.033526,
0.027131, 0.020317],
'n = 15': [0.153184, 0.119314, 0.103196, 0.091384,
0.081767, 0.073495, 0.066128, 0.059401,
0.053140, 0.047217, 0.041529, 0.035984,
0.030484, 0.024887, 0.018894],
'n = 16': [0.144271, 0.113346, 0.098600, 0.087801,
0.079021, 0.071476, 0.064771, 0.058660,
0.052989, 0.047646, 0.042539, 0.037597,
0.032748, 0.027911, 0.022969, 0.017653]
bi = {
'n = 02': [-0.721348, 0.721348],
'n = 03': [-0.630541, 0.255816, 0.374725],
'n = 04': [-0.558619, 0.085903, 0.223919, 0.248797],
'n = 05': [-0.503127, 0.006534, 0.130455, 0.181656,
'n = 06': [-0.459273, -0.035992, 0.073199, 0.126724,
0.149534, 0.145807],
'n = 07': [-0.423700, -0.060698, 0.036192, 0.087339,
0.114868, 0.125859, 0.120141],
'n = 08': [-0.394187, -0.075767, 0.011124, 0.058928,
0.087162, 0.102728, 0.108074, 0.101936],
'n = 09': [-0.369242, -0.085203, -0.006486, 0.037977,
0.065574, 0.082654, 0.091965, 0.094369,
'n = 10': [-0.347830, -0.091158, -0.019210, 0.022179,
0.048671, 0.066064, 0.077021, 0.082771,
0.083552, 0.077940],
'n = 11': [-0.329210, -0.094869, -0.028604, 0.010032,
0.035284, 0.052464, 0.064071, 0.071381,
0.074977, 0.074830, 0.069644],
'n = 12': [-0.312840, -0.097086, -0.035655, 0.000534,
0.024548, 0.041278, 0.053053, 0.061112,
0.066122, 0.068357, 0.067671, 0.062906],
'n = 13': [-0.298313, -0.098284, -0.041013, -0.006997,
0.015836, 0.032014, 0.043710, 0.052101,
0.057862, 0.061355, 0.062699, 0.061699,
'n = 14': [-0.285316, -0.098775, -0.045120, -0.013039,
0.008690, 0.024282, 0.035768, 0.044262,
0.050418, 0.054624, 0.057083, 0.057829,
0.056652, 0.052642],
'n = 15': [-0.273606, -0.098768, -0.048285, -0.017934,
0.002773, 0.017779, 0.028988, 0.037452,
0.043798, 0.048415, 0.051534, 0.053267,
0.053603, 0.052334, 0.048648],
'n = 16': [-0.262990, -0.098406, -0.050731, -0.021933,
-0.002167, 0.012270, 0.023168, 0.031528,
0.037939, 0.042787, 0.046308, 0.048646,
0.049860, 0.049912, 0.048602, 0.045207]
data = _np.sort(self.data)
data = data ** self.preconditioning
N = self.N
# hyp and coeffs are used to calculate values for samples higher than 16 elements
# Hypergeometric distribution function
def hyp(n,m,i,t):
bin1 = _fact(i)/(_fact(t) * _fact(i - t))
bin2 = _fact(n-i)/(_fact(m-t) * _fact((n-i) - (m-t)))
bin3 = _fact(n)/(_fact(m) * _fact(n - m))
return bin1 * bin2 / bin3
# Coefficients
def coeffs(n, m):
aip = []
bip = []
for i in range(n):
a = 0
b = 0
for t in range(m):
a += ai['n = {:02}'.format(m)][t] * ((t + 1) / (i + 1)) * hyp(n, m, i + 1, t + 1)
b += bi['n = {:02}'.format(m)][t] * ((t + 1) / (i + 1)) * hyp(n, m, i + 1, t + 1)
return aip, bip
def distr_params():
if N <= 16:
mu = _np.sum(_np.array(ai['n = {:02}'.format(N)]) * data) #parameter u in the paper
sigma = _np.sum(_np.array(bi['n = {:02}'.format(N)]) * data) #parameter b in the paper
aip, bip = coeffs(N, 16)
mu = _np.sum(_np.array(aip) * data)
sigma = _np.sum(_np.array(bip) * data)
return mu, sigma
mu, sigma = distr_params()
return_period = _np.arange(2, 100 + 1)
P = ((_np.arange(N) + 1)) / (N + 1)
Y = -_np.log(-_np.log(P))
vref = (- sigma * _np.log(-_np.log(1 - 1 / return_period)) + mu)**(1 / self.preconditioning)
self.results = {}
self.results['Y'] = Y
self.results['data'] = data
self.results['Values for return period from 2 to 100 years'] = vref
self.results['slope'] = sigma
self.results['offset'] = mu
self.c = 0
self.loc = self.results['offset']
self.scale = self.results['slope']
self.distr = _st.gumbel_r(loc = self.loc,
scale = self.scale)
[docs]class PPPLiterature(_GumbelBase):
__doc__ = docstringbase.format('several', """_ppp_adamowski
def __init__(self, data = None, ppp = "Weibull", **kwargs):
self.data = data
self.N = len(self.data)
self.ppp = ppp
self._calculate_values(how = self.ppp)
raise Exception('You should provide some data.')
#ppp stands for probability plotting position
def _calculate_values(self, how = None):
data = _np.sort(self.data)
data = data ** self.preconditioning
N = self.N
if how == 'Adamowski':
# see De, M., 2000. A new unbiased plotting position formula for gumbel distribution.
# Stochastic Envir. Res. Risk Asses., 14: 1-7.
P = ((_np.arange(N) + 1) - 0.25) / (N + 0.5)
if how == 'Beard':
# see De, M., 2000. A new unbiased plotting position formula for gumbel distribution.
# Stochastic Envir. Res. Risk Asses., 14: 1-7.
P = ((_np.arange(N) + 1) - 0.31) / (N + 0.38)
if how == 'Blom':
# see Adeboye, O.B. and M.O. Alatise, 2007. Performance of probability distributions and plotting
# positions in estimating the flood of River Osun at Apoje Sub-basin, Nigeria. Agric. Eng. Int.: CIGR J., Vol. 9.
P = ((_np.arange(N) + 1) - 0.375) / (N + 0.25)
if how == 'Chegodayev':
# see De, M., 2000. A new unbiased plotting position formula for gumbel distribution.
# Stochastic Envir. Res. Risk Asses., 14: 1-7.
P = ((_np.arange(N) + 1) - 0.3) / (N + 0.4)
if how == 'Cunnane':
# see Cunnane, C., 1978. Unbiased plotting positions: A review. J. Hydrol., 37: 205-222.
P = ((_np.arange(N) + 1) - 0.4) / (N + 0.2)
if how == 'Gringorten':
# see Adeboye, O.B. and M.O. Alatise, 2007. Performance of probability distributions and plotting
# positions in estimating the flood of River Osun at Apoje Sub-basin, Nigeria. Agric. Eng. Int.: CIGR J., Vol. 9.
P = ((_np.arange(N) + 1) - 0.44) / (N + 0.12)
if how == 'Hazen':
# see Adeboye, O.B. and M.O. Alatise, 2007. Performance of probability distributions and plotting
# positions in estimating the flood of River Osun at Apoje Sub-basin, Nigeria. Agric. Eng. Int.: CIGR J., Vol. 9.
P = ((_np.arange(N) + 1) - 0.5) / (N)
if how == 'Hirsch':
# see Jay, R.L., O. Kalman and M. Jenkins, 1998. Integrated planning and management for Urban water
# supplies considering multi uncertainties. Technical Report,
# Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universities of California.
P = ((_np.arange(N) + 1) + 0.5) / (N + 1)
if how == 'IEC56':
# see Forthegill, J.C., 1990. Estimating the cumulative probability of failure data points to be
# plotted on weibull and other probability paper. Electr. Insulation Transact., 25: 489-492.
P = ((_np.arange(N) + 1) - 0.5) / (N + 0.25)
if how == 'Landwehr':
# see Makkonen, L., 2008. Problem in the extreme value analysis. Structural Safety, 30: 405-419.
P = ((_np.arange(N) + 1) - 0.35) / (N)
if how == 'Laplace':
# see Jay, R.L., O. Kalman and M. Jenkins, 1998. Integrated planning and management for Urban
# water supplies considering multi uncertainties. Technical Report,
# Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universities of California.
P = ((_np.arange(N) + 1) + 1) / (N + 2)
if how == 'McClung and Mears':
# see Makkonen, L., 2008. Problem in the extreme value analysis. Structural Safety, 30: 405-419.
P = ((_np.arange(N) + 1) - 0.4) / (N)
if how == 'Tukey':
# see Makkonen, L., 2008. Problem in the extreme value analysis. Structural Safety, 30: 405-419.
P = ((_np.arange(N) + 1) - 1/3) / (N + 1/3)
if how == 'Weibull':
# see Hynman, R.J. and Y. Fan, 1996. Sample quantiles in statistical packages. Am. Stat., 50: 361-365.
P = ((_np.arange(N) + 1)) / (N + 1)
Y = -_np.log(-_np.log(P))
slope, offset = _np.polyfit(Y, data, 1)
R2 = _np.corrcoef(Y, data)[0, 1]**2
#fit = slope * Y + offset
return_period = _np.arange(2,101)
vref = (- slope * _np.log(-_np.log(1 - 1 / return_period)) + offset)**(1 / self.preconditioning)
self.results = {}
self.results['data'] = data
self.results['Y'] = Y
self.results['Values for return period from 2 to 100 years'] = vref
self.results['R2'] = R2
self.results['slope'] = slope
self.results['offset'] = offset
self.c = 0
self.loc = self.results['offset']
self.scale = self.results['slope']
self.distr = _st.gumbel_r(loc = self.loc,
scale = self.scale)
[docs] def _ppp_adamowski(self):
Perform the calculations using the Adamowski method available for the
probability positions.
Probability positions are defined as:
.. math::
P = \\frac{(N + 1) - 0.25}{N + 0.5}
De, M., 2000. A new unbiased plotting position formula for gumbel
distribution. Stochastic Envir. Res. Risk Asses., 14: 1-7.
self._calculate_values(how = "Adamowski")
[docs] def _ppp_beard(self):
Perform the calculations using the Beard method available for the
probability positions.
Probability positions are defined as:
.. math::
P = \\frac{(N + 1) - 0.31}{N + 0.38}
De, M., 2000. A new unbiased plotting position formula for gumbel
distribution. Stochastic Envir. Res. Risk Asses., 14: 1-7.
self._calculate_values(how = "Beard")
[docs] def _ppp_blom(self):
Perform the calculations using the Blom method available for the
probability positions.
Probability positions are defined as:
.. math::
P = \\frac{(N + 1) - 0.375}{N + 0.25}
De, M., 2000. A new unbiased plotting position formula for gumbel
distribution. Stochastic Envir. Res. Risk Asses., 14: 1-7.
self._calculate_values(how = "Blom")
def _ppp_chegodayev(self):
Perform the calculations using the Chegodayev method available for the
probability positions.
Probability positions are defined as:
.. math::
P = \\frac{(N + 1) - 0.3}{N + 0.4}
De, M., 2000. A new unbiased plotting position formula for gumbel
distribution. Stochastic Envir. Res. Risk Asses., 14: 1-7.
self._calculate_values(how = "Chegodayev")
def _ppp_cunnane(self):
Perform the calculations using the Cunnane method available for the
probability positions.
Probability positions are defined as:
.. math::
P = \\frac{(N + 1) - 0.4}{N + 0.2}
Cunnane, C., 1978. Unbiased plotting positions: A review.
J. Hydrol., 37: 205-222.
self._calculate_values(how = "Cunnane")
[docs] def _ppp_gringorten(self):
Perform the calculations using the Gringorten method available for the
probability positions.
Probability positions are defined as:
.. math::
P = \\frac{(N + 1) - 0.44}{N + 0.12}
Adeboye, O.B. and M.O. Alatise, 2007. Performance of probability
distributions and plotting positions in estimating the flood of
River Osun at Apoje Sub-basin, Nigeria. Agric. Eng. Int.:
CIGR J., Vol. 9.
self._calculate_values(how = "Gringorten")
[docs] def _ppp_hazen(self):
Perform the calculations using the Hazen method available for the
probability positions.
Probability positions are defined as:
.. math::
P = \\frac{(N + 1) - 0.5}{N}
Adeboye, O.B. and M.O. Alatise, 2007. Performance of probability
distributions and plotting positions in estimating the flood of
River Osun at Apoje Sub-basin, Nigeria. Agric. Eng. Int.:
CIGR J., Vol. 9.
self._calculate_values(how = "Hazen")
[docs] def _ppp_hirsch(self):
Perform the calculations using the Hirsch method available for the
probability positions.
Probability positions are defined as:
.. math::
P = \\frac{(N + 1) + 0.5}{N + 1}
Jay, R.L., O. Kalman and M. Jenkins, 1998. Integrated planning and
management for Urban water supplies considering multi uncertainties.
Technical Report, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Universities of California.
self._calculate_values(how = "Hirsch")
[docs] def _ppp_iec56(self):
Perform the calculations using the IEC56 method available for the
probability positions.
Probability positions are defined as:
.. math::
P = \\frac{(N + 1) - 0.5}{N + 0.25}
Forthegill, J.C., 1990. Estimating the cumulative probability of
failure data points to be plotted on weibull and other probability
paper. Electr. Insulation Transact., 25: 489-492.
self._calculate_values(how = "IEC56")
[docs] def _ppp_landwehr(self):
Perform the calculations using the Landwehr method available for the
probability positions.
Probability positions are defined as:
.. math::
P = \\frac{(N + 1) - 0.35}{N}
Makkonen, L., 2008. Problem in the extreme value analysis.
Structural Safety, 30: 405-419.
self._calculate_values(how = "Landwehr")
[docs] def _ppp_laplace(self):
Perform the calculations using the Laplace method available for the
probability positions.
Probability positions are defined as:
.. math::
P = \\frac{(N + 1) + 1}{N + 2}
Jay, R.L., O. Kalman and M. Jenkins, 1998. Integrated planning and
management for Urban water supplies considering multi uncertainties.
Technical Report, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Universities of California.
self._calculate_values(how = "Laplace")
[docs] def _ppp_mm(self):
Perform the calculations using the McClung and Mears method available
for the probability positions.
Probability positions are defined as:
.. math::
P = \\frac{(N + 1) - 0.4}{N}
Makkonen, L., 2008. Problem in the extreme value analysis.
Structural Safety, 30: 405-419.
self._calculate_values(how = "McClung and Mears")
[docs] def _ppp_tukey(self):
Perform the calculations using the Tukey method available for the
probability positions.
Probability positions are defined as:
.. math::
P = \\frac{(N + 1) - 1/3}{N + 1/3}
Makkonen, L., 2008. Problem in the extreme value analysis.
Structural Safety, 30: 405-419.
self._calculate_values(how = "Tukey")
[docs] def _ppp_weibull(self):
Perform the calculations using the Weibull method available for the
probability positions.
Probability positions are defined as:
.. math::
P = \\frac{(N + 1) + 1}{N + 1}
Hynman, R.J. and Y. Fan, 1996. Sample quantiles in statistical
packages. Am. Stat., 50: 361-365.
self._calculate_values(how = "Weibull")